Columbia Breaks
Fire Interpretive Center
Educational Opportunities
Located at the Interpretive Center, this nature walk for students and adults, is a self-guided .5 mile, 30-minute walk. It shows how wildfire has shaped the East-side forests and how people, past and present, respond to this wildfire environment.
Kids in the Forest & Out of the Classroom
Trail Signs -
Wildfire Ecology Curriculum
New award-winning dvd: “Fire Lookouts: A National Treasure” that highlights the history of fire lookouts and features the lifestyle and responsibilities of fire lookout, Bill Austin on the Goat Mountain Lookout in the North Cascades.
This curriculum is targeted towards 6th-8th grade students but may be adapted for younger and older learners. It consists of:
A curriculum guide with 9 lessons and pre/post assessments, and with all the supporting materials needed to teach each lesson
A video, “Burning Issues,” that uses dramatic fire footage to discuss fire ecology and the history of fire management
A “wildfire box” containing the hands-on artifacts needed to teach each lesson
Opportunities for school-related field trips