Columbia Breaks
Fire Interpretive Center
What will develop at CBFIC with community support?
Capital Projects:
1. Construct an entry portal.
2. Install a display panel at the north end of the shelter
3. Convert the picnic shelter into a display center
4. Create an interpretive garden of “fire-safe” plants around the shelter
5. Provide water and electrical service to the shelter
6. Finish making the interpretive trail and amphitheater accessible to visitors with physical challenges

Professional staff of paid employees and volunteers, operating in a self-sustaining capacity through cooperation with other public agencies and private partnerships.
Partnerships: Move the Entiat Historical site projects to the CB site
Verbal Interpretation: lectures * forums * panel discussions * tours * special speakers
Multi-media Interpretation: lookout towers * maps * videos * historic photographs * rotating displays/exhibits * historical documentation * research information * reference library
Interactive Interpretation: self-guided tours * antique & contemporary equipment * informative performances * demonstrations * fireside chats
Training: Ongoing training for fire fighting agencies * School field trips *Teacher education